I have come to appreciate street art when I first encountered them in
Back in 2011, I never knew a lot of them existed already, and while I read a few posted blogs.
It's always interesting to see them first hand and to actually look at "Art" in a different manner.
I have always liked the works of CLET .
This french artist and his quirky artworks makes street signs looked twice more interesting. ^-^
His studio is located in Florence, a small side street in [ San Niccolo, Via dell'Olmo 8r] .
You can buy his works: stickers, labels, plates, postcards etc.
They're all very affordable, so don't reprint them at home. ^-^
We bought a few stickers home, { if I can bring a large plate home I would } and it's been on my deco wall since. ^-^
Or if you're in town and heading to Basilica di San Miniato al Monte,
I'm more than sure you'll pass by his shop, you couldn't miss it. ^-^
Another new artist we've come across is L'arte sa Nuotare literally
Art knows how to Swim.
These are works of
a Florentine street artist by the name of BLUB.
I love how everything is shaded in blue tone,
The artworks are always water inspired, they are submerged underwater with goggles and the pieces are just eye catching and very pop culture.
Obviously, you have to keep up the pace and follow his/her instagram : @lartesanuotore
The ones posted here were his/her earlier works and have since added more interesting pieces
like Mona Lisa, the kiss: "La Dolce Vita" movie, Amy Winehouse ++.
Again, if you're heading to San Miniato al Monte or to Clet's studio.
You'll see a few of them pasted in hatches or cable boxes? *not sure what's it called.*
Or sometimes, it's those unexpected places like the side streets or alleyways.
I just hope people would appreciate them more than just vandalizing them.
Oh how cool. I would love to browse at their shops. Did you pick up some for your souvenir?